Gameplay config

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The gameplay config allows players, server hosts, and map creators to create a custom difficulty setting for Unturned. It allows for modifying each individual gameplay aspect of Unturned, including some additional multiplayer-specific settings. Depending on where the gameplay config is being altered, it is also known as the "advanced gameplay configuration" (single-player), "Config.json" file (multiplayer), or "Mode_Config_Overrides" dictionary (mapping).

For single-player, these settings can either be configured from the main menu, or from the player's local files. From the main menu, they are located under the "Advanced" button available when preparing to enter a single-player world. Multiplayer servers can configure their gameplay config from the server's Config.json file. Map creators can add custom difficulty settings to their map by using the "Mode_Config_Overrides" dictionary in the map's optional Config.json file.

Changes to the gameplay config will only affect the difficulty that had been selected at the time. For multiplayer servers, it is important that both the intended difficulty has been configured in the Config.json file, and the server has been set to run on that same difficulty in its Commands.dat file. If a map has custom difficulty settings, these will only be used if the single-player world or multiplayer server has their own corresponding setting(s) set to their default.

Copying settings

Gameplay config settings are stored in a human-readable file named Config.json, regardless of whether it is for a single-player world or a multiplayer server. If a player wanted to use their custom single-player difficulty settings on their multiplayer server, or vice-versa, they can do so by copying the Config.json file from one location and pasting it in another.

For single-player worlds, the file is located at the following path: Icon file filled.png.../Unturned/Worlds/Singleplayer_#/Config.json. The number for the "Singleplayer_#" folder will correspond with which character slot had been used at the time.

For multiplayer servers, the file is located at the following path: Icon gnome folder.png.../U3DS/Servers/ServerName. In this example path, the "ServerName" folder is a placeholder for what would actually be the name of the server.


Some settings are only available to multiplayer servers, such as configuring how the server appears in the server list. These settings are irrelevant for single-player worlds, and are treated as either empty or at their most lenient configuration. For example, anti-cheat is disabled when playing on a single-player world.

Different settings may utilize different data types, such as a boolean or a float. Additionally, some properties may function inversely to how someone might expect them to. For example: many of the multiplicative settings make the game easier when they are greater than 1, but a few may make the game easier when less than 1. In order to configure the gameplay config properly, it is important to be mindful of not just the relevant data type, but also how the chosen value will actually affect gameplay.


Browser settings are used by multiplayer servers. These settings affect how the server is displayed in the server list.

Setting Data type Description  Default
Icon string URL to the image that should be used for the server icon, as visible from the server info menu. The ideal image is a .PNG that is 64 x 64 pixels in size. Images larger than this will be automatically resized. empty
Thumbnail string URL to the image that should be used for the server thumbnail, as visible from the public server list. The ideal image is a .PNG that is 32 x 32 pixels in size. Images larger than this will be automatically resized. empty
Desc_Hint string Text that appears under the server name, as visible from the server info menu. This field supports rich text. empty
Desc_Full string Text that appears under the map description, as visible from the server info menu. This field supports rich text. empty
Desc_Server_List string Text that appears under the server name, as visible from the public server list. This field supports rich text. The maximum length is 64 characters. empty
Login_Token string Dedicated servers are required to use a game server login token (GSLT) for authentication. This value should not be shared publicly. empty
Monetization enum Can be set to Unspecified, None, NonGameplay, or Monetized. This value should be configured truthfully, based on how the server is monetized. Unspecified
Links struct[string, string] This setting can be used to add clickable links to the "Details" section of the server info menu. This setting is an array of structs, with each struct being composed of two strings: "Message", and "Url". For example, the following would add two clickable licks: [ { "Message": "SDG Website", "Url": "" }, { "Message": "Unturned Wiki", "Url": "" }, ] null


Server settings are only used by multiplayer servers, and can be configured to tweak properties pertaining to the server itself, such as the use of third-party anti-cheat.

Setting Data type Description Default
VAC_Secure bool Toggle for the Valve Anti-Cheat. Set to "false" to disable. true
BattlEye_Secure bool Toggle for the BattlEye anti-cheat. Set to "false" to disable. true
Max_Ping_Milliseconds uint The maximum ping a player is allowed to have. 750
Timeout_Queue_Seconds float How long a player can be in the queue before timing out, in seconds. Increasing this number allows for players to be in the queue longer. For example: if players are failing the queue because Steam is being slow to authenticate the ticket, raising this value will give Steam more time to authenticate their ticket. 15
Timeout_Game_Seconds float How long packet loss can occur before timing out, in seconds. Increasing this allows for players to remain on the server for a longer amount of time during packet loss. 30
Max_Packets_Per_Second float Maximum number of packets that can be sent per second. This value should be configured per the needs of your network. If the value is too strict, legitimate players may get stuck in queue on a well-populated server. If the value is too lenient, your server could be affected by malicious packet spamming. 50
Rate_Limit_Kick_Threshold int If the same rate limit is hit this many times within the cooldown window, the client will be kicked. For example: when set to "10", the client will be kicked the tenth time the rate limit is hit within the cooldown window. 10
Fake_Lag_Threshold_Seconds float If there is a delay between input packets from the client greater than this threshold, they will be penalized for a corresponding duration (minus one second). For example: when the threshold is set to "3" seconds, and the server does not receive any inputs from the client for 3.2 seconds, they are penalized for 2.2 seconds. 3
Fake_Lag_Log_Warnings bool When set to "true", the server log will include log messages about fake lag. This is can be helpful when fine-tuning the fake lag threshold, as false positives are likely if the client's frame rate hitches (such as when loading a dense region). false
Fake_Lag_Damage_Penalty_Multiplier float Multiplier on a player's damage against other players during a fake lag penalty. 0.1
Enable_Kick_Input_Spam bool Whether or not clients should be kicked for input spam. Set to "true" to enable this feature. false
Enable_Kick_Input_Timeout bool Whether or not clients should be kicked for input timeout. Set to "true" to enable this feature. false
Enable_Scheduled_Shutdown bool Toggle for if the server should shutdown at a specified time. Set to "true" to enable. false
Scheduled_Shutdown_Time string The local time the server will shutdown, if scheduled shutdown is enabled. "1:30 am"
Scheduled_Shutdown_Warnings string[] When nearing the scheduled shutdown time, the server will notify players of the impending shutdown at these relative time intervals. "00:30:00", "00:15:00", "00:05:00", "00:01:00", "00:00:30", "00:00:15", "00:00:03", "00:00:02", "00:00:01"
Enable_Update_Shutdown bool Whether or not the server should monitor for game updates. Set to "true" to enable. false
Update_Steam_Beta_Name string The Steam beta branch that should be used by the server. For example, it can be set to "preview" to host a server running on the preview branch of the game. "public"
Update_Shutdown_Warnings string[] After an update is detected, the server will notify players of the impending shutdown at these time intervals. "00:03:00", "00:01:00", "00:00:30", "00:00:15", "00:00:03", "00:00:02", "00:00:01"
Validate_EconInfo_Hash bool Whether or not the Econ hash is validated with the server. This prevents clients from locally exploiting other players' visibility. Set to "false" to disable this setting. true
Validate_MasterBundle_Hashes bool Whether or not the server should verify hashes of all loaded master bundles during connection. This prevents clients from connecting with out-of-date or modified master bundles. Set to "false" to disable this setting. true

Unity Events

For certain community-made game modifications, some settings in the Unity Events section may need to be manually configured in order for them to function as intended on multiplayer servers.

Setting Data type Description Default
Allow_Server_Messages bool Allow the Server Text Chat Messenger to send chat messages on behalf of the server. false
Allow_Server_Commands bool Allow the Server Text Chat Messenger to send console commands on behalf of the server. false
Allow_Client_Messages bool Allow the Client Text Chat Messenger to send chat messages on behalf of the client. false
Allow_Client_Commands bool Allow the Client Text Chat Messenger to send console commands on behalf of the client. false


Settings for items, such as spawning and despawning.

Setting Data type Description Easy Normal Hard
Spawn Chance [0-1]
float Percent chance (represented as a decimal) for any given item spawn node to spawn an item. Value must be within a range of [0, 1]. 0.35 0.35 0.15
Despawn Dropped Time
float How many seconds it takes for an item dropped on the ground to despawn. 600 600 600
Despawn Natural Time
float How many seconds it takes for an item that naturally spawned on the ground to despawn. 900 900 900
Respawn Time
float How many seconds it takes for an item spawn node to to be eligible to attempt to spawn a new item, after the original item has been picked up or despawned. 50 100 150
Quality Full Chance [0-1]
float Percent chance (represented as a decimal) for an item to spawn at full quality. 0.1 0.1 0.1
Quality Multiplier
float Multiplier on the quality of items that spawn. When greater than "1", items will spawn at a higher quality. 1 1 1
Gun Bullets Full Chance [0-1]
float Percent chance (represented as a decimal) for a ranged weapon to spawn with full ammo. 0.1 0.05 0.025
Gun Bullets Multiplier
float Multiplier on the amount of ammo in ranged weapons that spawn. When greater than "1", they will spawn with more ammo. 1 0.25 0.1
Magazine Bullets Full Chance [0-1]
float Percent chance (represented as a decimal) for a magazine attachment to spawn with full ammo. 0.1 0.05 0.025
Magazine Bullets Multiplier
float Multiplier on the amount of ammo in magazine attachments that spawn. When greater than "1", they will spawn with more ammo. 1 0.5 0.25
Crate Bullets Full Chance [0-1]
float Percent chance (represented as a decimal) for an ammunition crate to spawn with full ammo. 0.1 0.05 0.025
Crate Bullets Multiplier
float Multiplier on the amount of ammo in ammunition crates that spawn. When greater than "1", they will spawn with more ammo. 1 1 0.75
Has Durability
bool Toggle for the durability game mechanic. Set to "false" to disable durability. false true true


Settings for configuring vehicles, such as tweaking the condition they spawn in.

Setting Data type Description  Easy  Normal  Hard
Decay Time
float If a vehicle has not been driven after this many seconds, it will start to be damaged over time. 604800 604800 604800
Decay Damage Per Second
float Damage dealt to a decaying vehicle. The larger the number, the more damage dealt per second. 0.1 0.1 0.1
Has Battery Chance
float Percent chance (represented as a decimal) of the vehicle having a Vehicle Battery. 1 0.8 0.25
Min Battery Charge
float Minimum possible battery charge in a Vehicle Battery, if the vehicle spawned with one. 0.8 0.5 0.1
Max Battery Charge
float Maximum possible battery charge in a Vehicle Battery, if the vehicle spawned with one. 1 0.75 0.3
Has Tire Chance
float Percent chance (represented as a decimal) of the vehicle having a Tire. 1 0.85 0.7
Respawn Time
float How many seconds it takes for a vehicle spawn node to attempt to spawn a new vehicle, after the original has been moved or destroyed. 300 300 300
Unlocked After Seconds in Safezone
float Number of seconds it takes for a locked vehicle left in a safezone to automatically unlock itself. 3600 3600 3600
Armor Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt to vehicles. Set to a value greater than to 1 deal more damage, or a value less than 1 to deal less damage. 1 1 1
Child Explosion Armor Multiplier
float When an explosion is obstructed by buildables attached to the vehicle, the damage dealt against the vehicle is multiplied by this value. When less than "1", less damage is dealt. 1 1 1
Gun Lowcal Damage Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt by ranged weapons that cannot bypass invulnerability. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 1 1 1
Gun Highcal Damage Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt by ranged weapons that bypass invulnerability. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 1 1 1
Melee Damage Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt by melee weapons. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 1 1 1
Melee Repair Multiplier
float Multiplier on the amount of health restored per hit by certain melee weapons such as the Blowtorch. When greater than "1", more health is restored per hit. 1 1 1
Max Instances Tiny
uint Maximum number of vehicles that can exist at the same time on a Tiny map. 4 4 4
Max Instances Small
uint Maximum number of vehicles that can exist at the same time on a Small map. 8 8 8
Max Instances Medium
uint Maximum number of vehicles that can exist at the same time on a Medium map. 16 16 16
Max Instances Large
uint Maximum number of vehicles that can exist at the same time on a Large map. 32 32 32
Max Instances Insane
uint Maximum number of vehicles that can exist at the same time on an Insane map. 64 64 64


Settings for configuring zombies, such as which types are allowed to spawn.

Setting Data type Description  Easy  Normal  Hard
Spawn Chance [0-1]
float Percent chance (represented as a decimal) for any given zombie spawn node to spawn a zombie. Value must be within a range of [0, 1]. 0.2 0.25 0.3
Loot Chance [0-1]
float Percent chance (represented as a decimal) for any zombie to drop loot upon death. Value must be within a range of [0, 1]. 0.55 0.5 0.3
Crawler Chance [0-0.5]
float Weighted chance for a zombie spawn as the Crawler variant. Contrary to the setting's localization, this value only needs to be a positive number. When all table weights are added up, if they total to less than 1 then a normal zombie can spawn as that percent chance (represented as a decimal). 0 0.15 0.125
Sprinter Chance [0-0.5]
float Weighted chance for a zombie spawn as the Sprinter variant. Contrary to the setting's localization, this value only needs to be a positive number. When all table weights are added up, if they total to less than 1 then a normal zombie can spawn as that percent chance (represented as a decimal). 0 0.15 0.175
Flanker Chance [0-0.5]
float Weighted chance for a zombie spawn as the Flanker variant. Contrary to the setting's localization, this value only needs to be a positive number. When all table weights are added up, if they total to less than 1 then a normal zombie can spawn as that percent chance (represented as a decimal). 0 0.025 0.05
Burner Chance [0-0.5]
float Weighted chance for a zombie spawn as the Burner variant. Contrary to the setting's localization, this value only needs to be a positive number. When all table weights are added up, if they total to less than 1 then a normal zombie can spawn as that percent chance (represented as a decimal). 0 0.025 0.05
Acid Chance [0-0.5]
float Weighted chance for a zombie spawn as the Acid Spitter variant. Contrary to the setting's localization, this value only needs to be a positive number. When all table weights are added up, if they total to less than 1 then a normal zombie can spawn as that percent chance (represented as a decimal). 0 0.025 0.05
Electric Boss Chance [0-0.5]
float Weighted chance for a zombie spawn as the Lightningstrike Zombie Boss variant. Contrary to the setting's localization, this value only needs to be a positive number. When all table weights are added up, if they total to less than 1 then a normal zombie can spawn as that percent chance (represented as a decimal). 0 0 0
Wind Boss Chance [0-0.5]
float Weighted chance for a zombie spawn as the Groundpounder Zombie Boss variant. Contrary to the setting's localization, this value only needs to be a positive number. When all table weights are added up, if they total to less than 1 then a normal zombie can spawn as that percent chance (represented as a decimal). 0 0 0
Fire Boss Chance [0-0.5]
float Weighted chance for a zombie spawn as the Flamethrower Zombie Boss variant. Contrary to the setting's localization, this value only needs to be a positive number. When all table weights are added up, if they total to less than 1 then a normal zombie can spawn as that percent chance (represented as a decimal). 0 0 0
Spirit Chance [0-0.5]
float Weighted chance for a zombie spawn as the Spirit variant. Contrary to the setting's localization, this value only needs to be a positive number. When all table weights are added up, if they total to less than 1 then a normal zombie can spawn as that percent chance (represented as a decimal). 0 0 0
Dying Light Red Volatile Chance
float Weighted chance for a zombie spawn as the red Volatile variant. Contrary to the setting's localization, this value only needs to be a positive number. When all table weights are added up, if they total to less than 1 then a normal zombie can spawn as that percent chance (represented as a decimal). 0 0 0
Dying Light Blue Volatile Chance
float Weighted chance for a zombie spawn as the Blue Volatile variant. Contrary to the setting's localization, this value only needs to be a positive number. When all table weights are added up, if they total to less than 1 then a normal zombie can spawn as that percent chance (represented as a decimal). 0 0 0
Elver Stomper Boss Chance
float Weighted chance for a zombie spawn as the Stomper Zombie Boss variant. Contrary to the setting's localization, this value only needs to be a positive number. When all table weights are added up, if they total to less than 1 then a normal zombie can spawn as that percent chance (represented as a decimal). 0 0 0
Kuwait Boss Chance
float Weighted chance for a zombie spawn as the Evil Eye Zombie Boss variant. Contrary to the setting's localization, this value only needs to be a positive number. When all table weights are added up, if they total to less than 1 then a normal zombie can spawn as that percent chance (represented as a decimal). 0 0 0
Respawn Day Time
float How many seconds it takes for a zombie spawn node to attempt to spawn a new zombie, during the daytime. 360 360 360
Respawn Night Time
float How many seconds it takes for a zombie spawn node to attempt to spawn a new zombie, during the nighttime. 30 30 30
Respawn Beacon Time
float How many seconds it takes for a zombie spawn node to attempt to spawn a new zombie, during a Horde Beacon. 0 0 0
Quest Boss Respawn Interval
float How many seconds it takes for a boss zombie spawned from a quest to attempt to spawn a new boss zombie. This setting is useful to prevent players from easily farming boss-tier loot. 600 600 600
Damage Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt by zombies. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 0.75 1 1.5
Armor Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt to zombies due to headshots. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 1.25 1 0.75
Backstab Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt to unalerted zombies. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 1.25 1.25 1.25
Non-Headshot Armor Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt to zombies due to non-headshots. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 1 1 1
Beacon Experience Multiplier
float Multiplier on any experience the player gains from killing zombies during a Horde Beacon. 1 1 1
Full Moon Experience Multiplier
float Multiplier on any experience the player gains from killing zombies during a full moon. 2 2 2
Min Drops
uint Minimum number of loot that can be dropped from a zombie, when a zombie does drop loot. 1 1 1
Max Drops
uint Maximum number of loot that can be dropped from a zombie, when a zombie does drop loot. 1 1 1
Min Mega Drops
uint Minimum number of loot that can be dropped from a Mega Zombie. 5 5 5
Max Mega Drops
uint Maximum number of loot that can be dropped from a Mega Zombie. 5 5 5
Min Boss Drops
uint Minimum number of loot that can be dropped from a boss zombie. 8 8 8
Max Boss Drops
uint Maximum number of loot that can be dropped from a boss zombie. 10 10 10
Slow Movement
bool Whether or not zombies should move at the same speed as a walking player. When set to "false", zombies move faster than the player. true false false
Can Stun
bool Whether or not zombies can be stunned. When set to "true", zombies can be stunned if enough damage is dealt in a single hit. true true false
Only Critical Stuns
bool Whether or not only critical hits can stun a zombie. When set to "true", only headshots can stun zombies. false false true
Weapons Use Player Damage
bool Whether or not a weapon's player damage values should be used instead of the weapon's zombie damage values. Most weapons do less damage to players than they do to zombies. When set to "true", weapons will usually be weaker against zombies than they are normally. false false true
Can Target Barricades
bool Toggle for if zombies can target barricades. Set to "false" to disable this feature. true true true
Can Target Structures
bool Toggle for if zombies can target structures. Set to "false" to disable this feature. true true true
Can Target Vehicles
bool Toggle for if zombies can target vehicles. Set to "false" to disable this feature. true true true
Beacon Max Reward Item Drops
uint Maximum number of item drops that could be rewarded from a Horde Beacon. Set to "0" to disable the maximum. 0 0 0
Beacon Max Reward Participants
uint Maximum on how many participants can affect a Horde Beacon's scaling for item drops. Set to "0" to disable the maximum number of participants, and allow for item drops to scale infinitely with the number of participants. 0 0 0
Beacon Rewards Multiplier
float Multiplier on the number of item drops rewarded from a Horde Beacon. 1 1 1


Settings for animals, such as how many are allowed to exist at the same time depending on the map's size.

Setting Data type Description  Easy  Normal  Hard
Respawn Time
float How many seconds it takes for an animal spawn node to attempt to spawn a new animal. 180 180 180
Damage Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt by animals. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 0.75 1 1.5
Armor Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt to animals. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 1.25 1 0.75
Max Instances Tiny
uint Maximum number of animals that can exist at the same time on a Tiny map. 4 4 4
Max Instances Small
uint Maximum number of animals that can exist at the same time on a Small map. 8 8 8
Max Instances Medium
uint Maximum number of animals that can exist at the same time on a Medium map. 16 16 16
Max Instances Large
uint Maximum number of animals that can exist at the same time on a Large map. 32 32 32
Max Instances Insane
uint Maximum number of animals that can exist at the same time on a Insane map. 64 64 64
Weapons Use Player Damage
bool Whether or not a weapon's player damage values should be used instead of the weapon's animals damage values. Most weapons do less damage to players than they do to zombies. When set to "true", weapons will usually be weaker against animals than they are normally. false false true


These settings apply to all buildables, which includes: barricades, item storages, liquid storages, generators, beacons, plants, traps, remote explosives, experience storages, robotic turrets, and oil pumps.

Setting Data type Description Easy Normal Hard
Decay Time
uint If the buildable's owner has not been on the multiplayer server for this many seconds, the buildable will decay. 604800 604800 604800
Armor Low-Tier Multiplier
float Damage multiplier against barricades that are tagged as "low-tier", such as those made from wood. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt against these buildables. 1 1 1
Armor High-Tier Multiplier
float Damage multiplier against barricades that are tagged as "high-tier", such as those made from metal. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt against these buildables. 0.5 0.5 0.5
Gun Lowcal Damage Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt by ranged weapons that cannot bypass invulnerability. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 1 1 1
Gun Highcal Damage Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt by ranged weapons that bypass invulnerability. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 1 1 1
Melee Damage Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt by melee weapons. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 1 1 1
Melee Repair Multiplier
float Multiplier on the amount of health restored per hit by certain melee weapons such as the Blowtorch. When greater than "1", more health is restored per hit. 1 1 1
Allow Item Placement On Vehicle
bool Whether or not non-trap buildables can be placed on vehicles. Set to "false" to disable this feature. true true true
Allow Trap Placement On Vehicle
bool Whether or not traps can be placed on vehicles. Set to "false" to disable this feature. true true true
Max Item Distance From Hull
float Maximum distance non-trap buildables can extend away from a vehicle they are attached to, in meters. 64 64 64
Max Trap Distance From Hull
float Maximum distance traps can extend away from a vehicle they are attached to, in meters. 16 16 16


Settings for structures, such as damage and armor multipliers.

Setting Data type Description Easy Normal Hard
Decay Time
uint If the structure's owner has not been on the multiplayer server for this many seconds, the structure will decay. 604800 604800 604800
Armor Low-Tier Multiplier
float Damage multiplier against structures that are tagged as "low-tier", such as those made from wood. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt against these structures. 1 1 1
Armor High-Tier Multiplier
float Damage multiplier against structures that are tagged as "high-tier", such as those made from metal. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt against these structures. 0.5 0.5 0.5
Gun Lowcal Damage Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt by ranged weapons that cannot bypass invulnerability. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 1 1 1
Gun Highcal Damage Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt by ranged weapons that bypass invulnerability. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 1 1 1
Melee Damage Multiplier
float Multiplier on the damage dealt by melee weapons. When greater than "1", more damage is dealt. 1 1 1
Melee Repair Multiplier
float Multiplier on the amount of health restored per hit by certain melee weapons such as the Blowtorch. When greater than "1", more health is restored per hit. 1 1 1


Settings for players, such as the default status bar values newly-spawned players should start with.

Setting Data type Description  Easy  Normal  Hard
Health Default
uint Amount of health a player should spawn with. Must be within the range of [0, 255]. 100 100 100
Health Regeneration Min Food
uint Minimum amount of food required in order for health to regenerate. The lower the number, the easier it is to regenerate health. 90 90 90
Health Regeneration Min Water
uint Minimum amount of water required in order for health to regenerate. The lower the number, the easier it is to regenerate health. 90 90 90
Health Regeneration Ticks
uint How often health should regenerate, in ticks. Health regenerates more quickly at a lower number. 60 60 60
Food Default
uint Amount of food a player should spawn with. Must be within the range of [0, 255]. 100 100 85
Food Use Ticks
uint How often food is depleted, in ticks. Food depletes more quickly at a lower number. 350 300 250
Food Damage Ticks
uint How often the player is damaged when their food is fully depleted, in ticks. Damage is dealt more quickly at a lower number. 15 15 15
Water Default
uint Amount of water a player should spawn with. Must be within the range of [0, 255]. 100 100 85
Water Use Ticks
uint How often water is depleted, in ticks. Water depletes more quickly at a lower number. 320 270 220
Water Damage Ticks
uint How often the player is damaged when their water is fully depleted, in ticks. Damage is dealt more quickly at a lower number. 20 20 20
Virus Default
uint Amount of immunity a player should spawn with. Must be within the range of [0, 255]. 100 100 100
Virus Infect Threshold
uint When the player's immunity crosses this threshold, their immunity will deplete until it has been raised back to this value. When set to "0", the player cannot receive untreated infections. 50 50 50
Virus Use Ticks
uint How often immunity is depleted while below the infection threshold, in ticks. Immunity depletes more quickly at a lower number. 125 125 125
Virus Damage Ticks
uint How often the player is damaged when their immunity is fully depleted, in ticks. Damage is dealt more quickly at a lower number. 25 25 25
Leg Regeneration Ticks
uint How long it takes for the Broken Bones debuff to expire. A lower number will cause the debuff to end sooner. 750 750 750
Bleed Damage Ticks
uint How often the player takes damage from the Bleeding debuff, in ticks. 10 10 10
Bleed Regeneration Ticks
uint How long it takes for the Bleeding debuff to expire. A lower number will cause the debuff to end sooner. 750 750 750
Armor Multiplier
float Multiplier on any damage the player receives. When less than "1", the player will take less damage than normal. 1 1 1
Experience Multiplier
float Multiplier on any experience the player gains. 1.5 1 1.5
NPC Detection Radius Multiplier
float Multiplier on the detection radius of animals and zombies. When greater than "1", it is easier for them to detect a nearby player. 0.5 1 1.25
Bullet/Damage Ray Aggressor Distance
float In meters, the ray used to determine the "aggressor" during combat. This feature is only relevant for reputation. 8 8 8
Lose Skills On Combat Death
float Percentage of skills that should be kept after a PvP-related death, represented as a decimal. When set to "1", 100% of the player's skills will be kept on death. 1 1 1
Lose Skills On Environment Death
float Percentage of skills that should be kept after a PvE-related death, represented as a decimal. When set to "1", 100% of the player's skills will be kept on death. 1 1 1
Lose Experience On Combat Death
float Percentage of experience that should be kept after a PvP-related death, represented as a decimal. When set to "1", 100% of the player's experience points will be kept on death. 0.5 0.5 0.5
Lose Experience On Environment Death
float Percentage of experience that should be kept after a PvE-related death, represented as a decimal. When set to "1", 100% of the player's experience points will be kept on death. 0.5 0.5 0.5
Lose Items On Combat Death
float Percentage of items that are lost after PvP-related death. If skillset loadouts are enabled, then this setting is ignored. 1 1 1
Lose Items On Environment Death
float Percentage of items that are lost after PvE-related death. If skillset loadouts are enabled, then this setting is ignored. 1 1 1
Lose Clothes On Combat Death
bool Whether or not the player's worn clothing items should be dropped after a PvP-related death. When set to "false", players will keep their worn clothing after dying. Additionally, this will override any skillset loadouts. true true true
Lose Clothes On Environment Death
bool Whether or not the player's worn clothing items should be dropped after a PvE-related death. When set to "false", players will keep their worn clothing after dying. Additionally, this will override any skillset loadouts. true true true
Lose Weapons On Combat Death
bool Whether or not the weapons in a player's Primary and Secondary slots should be dropped after a PvP-related death. Set to "false" to disable this feature. true true true
Lose Weapons On Environment Death
bool Whether or not the weapons in a player's Primary and Secondary slots should be dropped after a PvE-related death. Set to "false" to disable this feature. true true true
Can Hurt Legs
bool Whether or not the player can take fall damage. Set to "false" to disable this feature. true true true
Can Break Legs
bool Whether or not the player can gain the Broken Bones debuff. false true true
Can Fix Legs
bool Whether or not the player can automatically heal the Broken Bones debuff over time. true true false
Can Start Bleeding
bool Whether or not the player can gain the Bleeding debuff. false true true
Can Stop Bleeding
bool Whether or not the player can automatically heal from the Bleeding debuff over time. true true false
Spawn With Max Skills
bool Whether or not players should spawn with all skills at the maximum level. Set to "true" to enable this feature, and no longer require that players level these skills up manually with experience. false false false
Spawn With Stamina Skills
bool Whether or not players should spawn with the Cardio, Exercise, Diving, and Parkour skills at the maximum level. Set to "false" to disable this feature, and require that players level these skills up manually with experience. false false false
Allow Instakill Headshots
bool Whether or not players can be instantly killed by other players due to a headshot, when using any ranged weapon that allows for instakill headshots. Set to "true" to enable this feature. false false true
Allow Per-Character Saves
bool Whether or not players are allowed to use multiple character saves. This setting can be helpful in preventing players from storing loot on their other characters while offline. Set to "false" to disable this feature, and force all characters to share the same savedata. true (single-player)
false (multiplayer)
true (single-player)
false (multiplayer)
true (single-player)
false (multiplayer)


The Objects section includes settings for configuring the gameplay-affecting properties of map objects and resources. For example, how long it takes for resources to respawn. Note that the values used here may not feel consistent in-game. In a region, some things may only be checked individually one at a time. As such, object-dense regions will always take longer to reset or respawn. These values are, effectively, only how long it takes for an object to be eligible to do so.

Setting Data type Description Easy Normal Hard
Binary State Reset Time Multiplier
float Multiplier on how long it takes for an interactable object with a binary state to be eligible to reset. When greater than "1", it will take longer to be eligible to reset. 1 1 1
Fuel Respawn Time Multiplier
float Multiplier on how long it takes for fuel sources to be eligible to replenish after being siphoned from. When greater than "1", fuel sources take longer to replenish. 1 1 1
Water Respawn Time Multiplier
float Multiplier on how long it takes for water sources to be eligible to replenish after being siphoned from. When greater than "1", water sources take longer to replenish. 1 1 1
Resource Respawn Time Multiplier
float Multiplier on how long it takes for resources to be eligible to respawn after being harvest. When greater than "1", resources take longer to respawn. 1 1 1
Resource Drops Multiplier
float Multiplier on the amount of items dropped when harvesting resources. When greater than "1", more items will drop from resources. 1 1 1
Rubble Respawn Time Multiplier
float Multiplier on how long it takes for destructible objects to be eligible to respawn after being destroyed. When greater than "1", objects take longer to be eligible to respawn. 1 1 1
Allow Holiday Drops
bool Disable loot from spawning when destroying holiday-exclusive seasonal objects, such as Christmas presents that only appear on maps during the Festive event. true true true
Items Obstruct Tree Respawns
bool Toggle for whether or not trees should be able to respawn if a barricade is blocking it. Set to "false" to allow trees to respawn regardless of being blocked by buildables. true true true


Settings for events, such as airdrops or weather.

Setting Data type Description  Easy  Normal  Hard
Min Rain Frequency
float Multiplier on the minimum for the forecast timer range, for default rain. Does not affect weather schedules that have been configured in map configs. To have default rain occur more often, set to a lower number. 2.3 2.3 2.3
Max Rain Frequency
float Multiplier on the maximum for the forecast timer range, for default rain. Does not affect weather schedules that have been configured in map configs. To have default rain occur more often, set to a lower number. 5.6 5.6 5.6
Min Rain Duration
float Multiplier on the minimum for the active duration range, for default rain. Does not affect weather schedules that have been configured in map configs. To have default rain last longer, set to a higher number. 0.05 0.05 0.05
Max Rain Duration
float Multiplier on the maximum for the active duration range, for default rain. Does not affect weather schedules that have been configured in map configs. To have default rain last longer, set to a higher number. 0.15 0.15 0.15
Min Snow Frequency
float Multiplier on the minimum for the forecast timer range, for default snow. Does not affect weather schedules that have been configured in map configs. To have default snow occur more often, set to a lower number. 1.3 1.3 1.3
Max Snow Frequency
float Multiplier on the maximum for the forecast timer range, for default snow. Does not affect weather schedules that have been configured in map configs. To have default snow occur more often, set to a lower number. 4.6 4.6 4.6
Min Snow Duration
float Multiplier on the minimum for the active duration range, for default snow. Does not affect weather schedules that have been configured in map configs. To have default snow last longer, set to a higher number. 0.2 0.2 0.2
Max Snow Duration
float Multiplier on the maximum for the active duration range, for default snow. Does not affect weather schedules that have been configured in map configs. To have default snow last longer, set to a higher number. 0.5 0.5 0.5
Weather Frequency Multiplier
float Multiplier on the forecast timer range, for weather schedules that have been configured in map configs. Does not affect maps that use default weather systems. To have weather occur more often, set to a lower number. 1 1 1
Weather Duration Multiplier
float Multiplier on the forecast timer range, for weather schedules that have been configured in map configs. Does not affect maps that use default weather systems. To have weather last longer, set to a higher number. 1 1 1
Min Airdrop Frequency
float Multiplier on the minimum for the scheduled airdrop timer range. To have airdrops occur more often, set to a lower number. 0.8 0.8 0.8
Max Airdrop Frequency
float Multiplier on the maximum for the scheduled airdrop timer range. To have airdrops occur more often, set to a lower number. 6.5 6.5 6.5
Airdrop Speed
float The speed of the dropships that perform airdrops. To make dropships move across the map quicker, set to a higher number. 128 128 128
Airdrop Force
float The force applied to airdrops. Configuring this poorly may result in airdrops flying into the sky, rather than falling down. 9.5 9.5 9.5
Arena Min Players
uint Minimum number of players required for an arena match to start. 2 2 2
Arena Compactor Damage
uint Damage dealt by the arena compactor, per second, to players who are outside the zone. 9 9 9
Arena Compactor Extra Damage Per Second
float Additional damage dealt by the arena compactor, per second, for each movement of the arena compactor that has occurred. 1 1 1
Arena Clear Timer
uint Countdown before an arena match starts, in seconds. This occurs immediately after the intermission. 5 5 5
Arena Finale Timer
uint Delay between the end of the match and the return to the lobby for intermission, in seconds. 10 10 10
Arena Restart Timer
uint Intermission between arena matches, in seconds. 15 15 15
Arena Compactor Delay Timer
uint Delay before the arena compactor starts moving, in seconds. 1 1 1
Arena Compactor Pause Timer
uint Intermission between arena compactor movements, in seconds. 5 5 5
Use Airdrops
bool Toggle for airdrops. Set to "false" to disable this game mechanic. true true true
Arena Use Compactor Pause
bool Whether or not the arena compactor should pause between movements. Set to "false" to disable the pause. true true true
Arena Compactor Speed Tiny
float The speed of the arena compactor on a Tiny map. The higher this value is, the faster the arena compactor will move. 0.5 0.5 0.5
Arena Compactor Speed Small
float The speed of the arena compactor on a Small map. The higher this value is, the faster the arena compactor will move. 1.5 1.5 1.5
Arena Compactor Speed Medium
float The speed of the arena compactor on a Medium map. The higher this value is, the faster the arena compactor will move. 3 3 3
Arena Compactor Speed Large
float The speed of the arena compactor on a Large map. The higher this value is, the faster the arena compactor will move. 4.5 4.5 4.5
Arena Compactor Speed Insane
float The speed of the arena compactor on an Insane map. The higher this value is, the faster the arena compactor will move. 6 6 6
Arena Compactor Shrink Factor
float The factor that the arena compactor will shrink by with each movement, represented as a decimal. When set to "1", the arena compactor will effectively stop compacting after its initial movement. When set to "0", the compactor will move across the entire map in a single movement. 0.5 0.5 0.5


General gameplay settings that do not fall under any other category.

Setting Data type Description Easy Normal Hard
Max Repair Level
uint Blueprints that require the Engineer skill will only appear in the crafting list if the level required is within the maximum set by this setting. Setting this to "0" would disable the ability to repair any item, regardless of the player's Engineer skill level. 3 3 3
bool Toggle for hitmarker visibility. Set to "false" to disable hitmarkers. true true false
bool Toggle for crosshair visibility. Set to "false" to disable the crosshair. true true false
bool Toggle for ranged weapon ballistics. Set to "false" to disable ballistics, and use hitscan instead. false true true
Chart Available
bool When set to "true", players spawn with the benefit of a Chart without needing to find one. true false false
Satellite Available
bool When set to "true", players spawn with the benefit of a GPS without needing to find one. false false false
Compass Available
bool When set to "true", players spawn with the benefit of a Compass without needing to find one. false false false
Show Group On Map
bool Toggle for group member visibility on the chart and satellite views. Set to "false" to disable seeing group members on map views. true true false
Show Group On HUD
bool Toggle for group member visibility on the HUD. When set to "false", the names of nearby group members will not be seen on the HUD. true true true
Show Groups In Player List
bool Toggle for the visibility of groups in the player list. true true true
Allow Static Groups
bool Toggle for allowing premade static groups, based on a player's pre-selected Steam group. Set to "false" to disable. true true true
Allow Dynamic Groups
bool Toggle for allowing dynamic groups. Set to "false" to disable. true true true
Allow Lobby Groups
bool Toggle for allowing lobby groups. Set to "false" to disable. true true true
Allow Shoulder Camera
bool Toggle for an over-the-shoulder perspective when in third-person. Set to "false" to use a centered position instead. true true true
Can Suicide
bool Toggle for allowing players to suicide. Set to "false" to disable the suicide option. true true true
Friendly Fire
bool Toggle for allowing group members to damage each other. Set to "true" to enable friendly-fire between group members. false false false
Sentry Guns & Beds On Vehicles
bool Toggle for allowing certain restricted buildables, such as Bedrolls and robotic turrets, to be placed on vehicles. Set to "true" to allow for bypassing these restrictions. false false false
Allow Holidays
bool Toggle for whether or not holiday/seasonal events are allowed to affect the map. Set to "false" to disallow holiday events. true true true
Allow Holidays
bool Toggle for whether or not freeform buildables are allowed to be crafted. Set to "false" to disallow freeform buildables. The default configuration for this setting will differ between multiplayer and single-player worlds. true (single-player)
false (multiplayer)
true (single-player)
false (multiplayer)
true (single-player)
false (multiplayer)
Exit Timer
uint Number of seconds the player must wait in single-player 10 10 10
Respawn Timer
uint The cooldown, in seconds, before a player can choose to respawn at a random spawn point after dying. In single-player, this setting also determines the cooldown for respawning at a claimed bed. 10 10 10
Home Timer
uint The cooldown, in seconds, before a player can choose to respawn at a claimed bed after dying. This setting is only used in multiplayer. 30 30 30
Leave Group Timer
uint The delay before a player actually leaves their group. 30 30 30
Max Group Members
uint Maximum number of group members allowed in a group. Set to "0" to disable the limit entirely. 0 0 0
Explosion Launch Speed Multiplier
float Multiplier on the speed that player-launching explosions can launch players at. When greater than "1", players will be launched at a higher speed. 1 1 1
AirStrafing Acceleration Multiplier
float Multiplier on air-strafing acceleration. When greater than "1", players have greater acceleration when air strafing. 1 1 1
AirStrafing Deceleration Multiplier
float Multiplier on air-strafing deceleration. When greater than "1", players have greater deceleration when air strafing. 1 1 1

Restoring defaults

The advanced gameplay configuration for single-player can be reset per difficulty. From the gameplay config menu, click the button located in the bottom-right labelled "Restore Defaults".

For multiplayer servers, the Config.json can be reset with the ResetConfig console command. This will restore the entirety of the file to its defaults.