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Zombies—also known as the "Turned"—are the primary antagonist of Unturned, and serve as an active hazard to characters. They are hostile entities that can be found across the playable maps, either spawning naturally within their navmesh (the navigational bounds surrounding an area), or being actively spawned from a Horde Beacon.

Zombies stand idly when unalerted, and occasionally moan. Zombies can be drawn to motion and sound, such as: players within their cone of vision, idle or moving vehicles, gunshots, thrown projectiles that land near them, or crafting nearby. They can also be attracted by certain kinds of player-activated light sources, such as Flashlights, Headlamps, and Tactical Lights. Zombies will growl when alerted, and pursue any players caught within their vision.

Most zombies try to attack the player's torso region, but this is not always the case. They can also attack vehicles, barricades, and structures when they are unable to find a path to the player. Zombies can pursue players for as long as they are in the navmesh. If the pursued player leaves the navmesh, the zombie will simply give up and eventually turn back towards where they came from. When a zombie takes a certain amount of damage from a single hit, they are stunned. This threshold is 20 damage for most zombie variants, but for mega zombies and bosses it is 150 damage.


Zombies can appear in many different variants, sometimes referred to as "specialties" in the game files. The most common variant is the Normal Zombie, but other types of zombies have unique abilities such as spitting acid, exploding upon death, turning invisible, or taking reduced damage from ranged weapons. Larger zombie variants are known as Mega Zombies, or "Zombie Bosses". These variants are significantly rarer, often only appearing in specific areas or as part of a quest.



During a full moon, zombies become hyper. Hyper zombies are more dangerous than their normal counterparts, and can be identified by their glowing red eyes. These zombies deal 1.5× damage, and have a much larger detection radius. Zombies will respawn significantly quicker during the full moon. When the full moon ends, these effects immediately end.


Any zombies that spawn in a deadzone become radioactive. These zombies explode in a burst of glowing, green biohazardous material when killed, which reduces the health and immunity of any player caught in the explosion. Radioactive zombies can be identified by their glowing, green aura.