Console commands

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Console commands allow for the toggling, configuration, or modification of various gameplay settings. The commands can either be sent through the in-game chat during runtime, entered via the server console during runtime, or set in a server's Commands.dat configuration file while the server is not running. Some commands require that the server has enabled cheats.

Players that have been granted administrator privileges can use console commands through the in-game chat. On a single-player world, the player always has administrator privileges. When typing a command through the in-game chat, they must be prefixed with either an at sign @ or a forward slash /. Commands with multiple parameters require that each parameter is separated with a forward slash /, unless the parameter is omitted entirely. Commands are not case-sensitive.

List of console commands

Name Syntax Default Min Max Classification Description
Admin [SteamID | Player] runtime Adds the specified player to the list of users with administrator privileges.
Admins any Outputs a list of the server's administrators to the server console.
Airdrop runtime Immediately forces a dropship to fly over the map and perform an airdrop.
AllowP2PRelay boolean 1 runtime Toggles usage of the ISteamNetworking member function AllowP2PPacketRelay.
Animal [SteamID | Player]/[AnimalID] runtime cheat Spawns an animal in front of the specified player. If a player is not specified, then the animal will spawn in front of the executing player.
Ban [SteamID | Player]/[Reason]/[Duration] runtime Adds the specified player to the list of users that are banned from the server. If a player is specified but the other parameters are left blank, they will be banned with an "unspecified" reason for 31,536,000 seconds (365 days).
Bans any Outputs a list of the server's player bans to the server console.
Bind [IP] config Binds a specific internal IP to the socket.
Chatrate [Number] 0.25 0 60 any Assigns a cooldown between chat messages, in seconds.
Cheats config Allows the usage of cheat commands.
Cycle [Number] 3600 any Assigns the length of the day/night cycle in seconds.
Day runtime Sets the current time to daytime. The specific time is variable – depending on the map's "fade" value – but it will always be after the lighting has transitioned away from dawn.
Debug runtime Outputs information on the state of the server, to the server console.
EffectUI [EffectID]/[Token]... runtime Spawns a UI effect for the executing player.
Experience [SteamID | Player]/[Experience] runtime cheat Gives a player some experience points. If a player is not specified, then the executing player will receive the experience.
Filter config Filters out players with non-English, non-alphanumeric names.
Flag [SteamID | Player]/[Flag]/[Value] runtime cheat Sets a player's flag. If a player is not specified, then the flag will be set for the executing player.
GameMode [Class Name] config Assigns the game mode of the server.
Give [SteamID | Player]/[ItemID]/[Amount] runtime cheat Gives a player an item. If a player is not specified, then the item will be given to the executing player. If an amount is not specified, then one item will be given.
Gold config Marks the server as joinable only by Gold members.
GSLT [Login Token] config Sets the game server login token.
Help [Command] any Outputs information on commands, to the server console.
Hide_Admins config Hides the visibility of admin labels from players.
Kick [SteamID | Player]/[Reason] runtime Disconnects the specified player from the server. If a player is specified but the other parameter is left blank, they will be kicked with an "unspecified" reason.
Kill [SteamID | Player] runtime Kills the specified player in-game.
Loadout [SkillsetID]/[ItemID]... any Gives players who are using the corresponding skillset each specified item when spawning. A skillset ID of 255 would apply to all skillsets.
Log [Chat Y/N]/[Join/Leave Y/N]/[Death Y/N]/[Anticheat Y/N] N/N/N/N any Assigns the console log options.
Map [Level] PEI config Sets the map that the server loads on startup.
MaxPlayers [Number] 8 1 200 any Sets the maximum number of connections the server is willing to accept.
Mode [Easy | Normal | Hard] Normal config Assigns the difficulty of the server.
Modules any Outputs a list of the loaded modules, to the server console.
Name [Text] Unturned 5 50 any Assigns the name of the server as shown on the server list.
Night runtime Sets the current time to night. The specific time is variable – depending on the map's "fade" value – but it will always be after the lighting has transitioned away from dusk.
Owner [SteamID] config Sets the owner of the server.
Password [Text] config Assigns the password required for entry into the server.
Permit [SteamID]/[Tag] runtime Adds the specified player to the list of users allowed to join the server.
Permits any Outputs a list of the players permitted to join the server, to the server console.
Perspective [First | Third | Both | Vehicle] First config Assigns the perspective of the server.
Players any Outputs a list of the current players on the server, to the server console.
Port [Number] 27015 config Assigns the port of the server. A server uses two consecutive ports while running: the first for server list queries, and the second for in-game traffic. Although both should be opened on the router, only the first is relevant to the console command.
PvE config Disables player-versus-player combat, in favor of player-versus-environment combat.
Quest [SteamID | Player]/[Quest] runtime cheat Gives a player a quest flag. If a player is not specified, then the executing player is given the quest flag.
Queue_Size [Number] 0 64 any Sets the maximum number of queued connections the server is willing to hold on to.
Reload [GUID] runtime Reloads an asset specified by its GUID.
Reputation [SteamID | Player]/[Reputation] runtime cheat Gives a player some reputation. If a player is not specified, then reputation is given to the executing player.
ResetConfig runtime Resets the config file to the default values.
Save any Forces a proper save of the server state.
Say [Text]/[R]/[G]/[B] runtime Broadcasts a message to all of the connected clients, via the in-game chat. If an RGB color is not specified, then the color will be 0, 255, 0.
Shutdown [Delay]/[Explanation] any Properly saves the server state, disconnects the clients, and closes the server. If the command is executed but no optional parameters are provided, the shutdown will occur immediately with no explanation provided to the disconnected clients.
Slay [SteamID | Player]/[Reason] runtime Kills the specified player in-game, and then permanently bans them. If a player is specified but no optional parameters are provided, then the slayed player will be banned for 31,536,000 seconds (365 days) for an "unspecified" reason.
Spy [SteamID | Player] runtime Requests a screenshot from the target player and saves it on the caller's computer as Spy.jpg.
Sync config Allows players to share savedata between your servers.
Teleport [SteamID | Player]/[SteamID | Player | Location] runtime Teleports a player to either another player, a location node, a waypoint (via "wp"), or a bed.
Time [Number] runtime Assigns the current time of the day-night cycle, in seconds.
Timeout [Number] 750 50 10000 any Assigns a maximum ping threshold to the server before a client is kicked. When the command is not entered, then it will default to the value used by Max_Ping_Milliseconds. By default, this is 750 milliseconds.
Unadmin [SteamID | Player] runtime Removes the specified player from the list of users allowed to use admin commands in the chat.
Unban [SteamID] runtime Removes the specified player from the list of users not allowed to join the server.
UnlockNpcAchievement [SteamID | Player]/[AchievementID] runtime cheat Grants a player the specified achievement. Only specific achievements are eligible to be granted.
Unpermit [SteamID] runtime Removes the specified player from the list of users permitted to join the server.
Vehicle [SteamID | Player]/[VehicleID] runtime cheat Spawn a vehicle in front of a player. If a player is not specified, then a vehicle will spawn in front of the executing player.
Votify [Vote Allowed Y/N]/[Pass Cooldown]/[Fail Cooldown]/[Vote Duration]/[Vote Percentage]/[Players] any Configures voting for the server. By default, voting is disabled outright.
Weather [None | Disable | Storm | Blizzard | GUID] runtime Manipulates the current weather cycle.
Welcome [Text]/[R]/[G]/[B] any Sets a welcome message that is shown to clients once they connect.
Whitelisted config Makes the server joinable only be permitted players.

Update history

October 13, 2014 patch

  • Added teleport command.
  • Added say command.
  • Added the ability to run commands in-game as an administrator, by prefixing with @.
  • Improved the remaining commands to accept all types of player identifiers.

October 10, 2014 patch

  • Removed tickrate command.

October 4, 2014 patch

  • Added ping information to clients and investigate commands.
  • Added timeout command (ping threshold) to server.
  • Removed unnecessary information from various player commands, as all information regarding a player is available with the investigate command.
  • Fixed some display issues with the investigate command.

September 25, 2014 patch

  • Map command is case-sensitive.

September 25, 2014 patch

  • Initial set of console commands.
  • Hosts can blacklist, whitelist, and kick players from the dedicated console.
  • Hosts can give other players admin powers on the server.
  • Bans and kicks can have specified reasons, and specific durations.