Console commands in Unturned II

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This is a list of console commands for Unturned II. Console commands are case-insensitive.


  • compass
    • description: measures current heading
    • 32-wind compass rose
  • help
    • aliases: h
    • description: describes how to use a given command
    • syntax: help [-command arg] [-parameter arg]
    • lists all available commands
    • adding -h to a command will redirect to the help command
  • whoami
  • whois

Earth's atmosphere

  • dawn
  • day
    • aliases: midday, noon
    • description: rotates the planet to solar noon +/- an optional offset
  • dusk
  • equinox
  • moon
  • night
    • aliases: midnight
    • description: rotates the planet to solar midnight +/- an optional offset
  • solstice
  • sunrise
  • sunset
  • time
    • aliases: t
    • description: changes the planet rotation
    • dawn
    • sunrise
    • day (noon, midday)
    • sunset
    • dusk
    • night (midnight)
    • hour
    • minute
    • second


  • horde_money
    • description: sets your money value
  • horde_wave
    • description: sets the current wave
  • infinite_ammo
    • description: allows gun to shoot without consuming ammo
  • item
    • aliases: i
    • description: spawns an item given its cheat nickname
  • teleport
    • aliases: tp
    • description: teleport to another player


  • hi
    • description: simple blueprint example
  • mirrorhandedness
    • description: mirrors character left/right handed
  • pause
  • role
    • description: modifies player permission roles
  • slomo
    • aliases: time_dilation
    • description: sets multiplier for time scale
  • unpause
  • zombify