Unturned Wiki:Community members in articles

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Community members are often mentioned in articles when discussing community-created content that has been accepted into the game. In order to keep this information consistent across (potentially) multiple pages, editors should keep in mind the follows tips:

  1. Pages should not be used as an advertisement. Limit any external links to relevant content – such as the Steam Workshop page of a skin that has been accepted into the game.
  2. Aliases are confusing. Most community-created content will include a line crediting the creator. Using the name in this credit is preferable. If a user has been credited under multiple names, simply keeping this consistent throughout the page is okay.
  3. Not everybody is relevant. For example, some community-created maps will list playtesters who are otherwise unaffiliated with the map. When in doubt, refer to other sources for notability (such as a map's Stockpile bundles).