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Images are an important part of an wiki! High-quality images can help readers visualize information, and is often more interesting than just walls of text. This page will explain we use images, and how editors can generate high-resolution icons or other images from within Unturned.

Creating images

Taking screenshots

Screenshots can be taken while in-game, either by using your computer's built-in screenshot tools (e.g., with Print Screen), taking a Steam Screenshot with F12, or using the game's "High-resolution Screenshot" feature with Page Up ↑. The location your screenshot is saved to will depend on which method you use. Note that high-resolution screenshots will be saved to Icon gnome folder.png.../Unturned/Screenshots.

Your graphics settings should be configured to maximize image quality (and promote consistency with other screenshots across the wiki). Settings do not need to be exactly the same – and in some instances, it may make sense to use low graphics settings – but the following should be kept in mind:

  1. Disable the HUD with Home ⇱.
  2. 1920x1080 resolution (or other 16:9 resolutions) with a high field-of-view is ideal, but not required. If you use a different resolution, do not stretch/resize the image to a 16:9 ratio. Instead, consider using the high-resolution screenshot option to improve image quality, and crop if needed. When taking high-resolution screenshots, make sure that "Enable Screenshot Supersampling" is toggled from the options menu.
  3. From the graphics menu, draw distance and landmarks should be maxed. This is especially important when taking screenshots of landscapes or other locations.
  4. Toggles such as ambient occlusion, terrain transition, rain puddles, snow glitter, triplanar mapping, skybox reflection, and item icon anti-aliasing should be enabled. Other toggles are optional, except for film grain and chromatic aberration which should not be enabled.
  5. The remaining dropdown options should be set to their maximum setting (usually called "Ultra"). Note that tree quality can be set to either "Basic Models" or "Ultra SpeedTrees" – although official artwork has used both, a future update will eventually remove SpeedTrees from the game, and redo the basic tree models.
  6. When the HUD is not disabled (e.g., if you were taking a screenshot of the player's inventory), use the default dark interface theme.

High-resolution item icons

Interface for generating high-resolution item icons.

High-resolution images for items, cosmetics or skins, and outfits can be generated from the main menu. Although the tools for these are hidden by default, simply:

  1. Open the main menu.
  2. Go to the "Workshop" section.
  3. Press F1 to view the icon generation tools.

This will toggle the visibility of these tools in the top-left corner of the screen. From here, high-resolutions images (such as item icons or cosmetic previews) can be generated. Some of the tools require configuring the Item ID, Vehicle ID, Skin ID, and/or GUID fields before they can be used. Note that some items do not have an ID. For example, newer cosmetics will often only have a GUID.

Any images generated with these tools will end up in the Icon gnome folder.pngExtras directory (within another folder, depending on image). For icons, the image name is in the format of Filename_ItemID.png. For example, Icon image filled.pngEaglefire_4.png. For previews, the image name is in the format of GUID.png. For example, Icon image filled.png8de22582a81345e8b01eaa6000a50a85.png.

  • Item Icon: Generate an item icon, as determined by the set Item ID. Images can be found in Icon gnome folder.pngIcons.
  • All Item Icons: Generate icons for all items. This includes items without an ID (using "0" in the image name in place of an ID), and items added by any mods that the player has installed. Images can be found in Icon gnome folder.pngIcons.
  • All Skin Icons: Generate icons for all skins. Images can be found in Icon gnome folder.pngEcon.
  • Econ Icon: Generate an economy icon, as determined by the set Item ID (or Vehicle ID) and Skin ID (optional required for skins – other economy items, such as cosmetics, only require their Item ID). Images can be found in Icon gnome folder.pngEcon.
  • Outfit Preview: Generate an outfit preview, as determined by the set GUID. Previews are rendered at multiple resolutions, although you will usually want to use images from Icon gnome folder.pngOutfitPreviews_400x400.
  • All Cosmetic Previews: Generate previews for all cosmetics. Previews are rendered at multiple resolutions, although you will usually want to use images from Icon gnome folder.pngCosmeticPreviews_400x400.
  • All Outfit Previews: Generate previews for all outfits. Previews are rendered at multiple resolutions, although you will usually want to use images from Icon gnome folder.pngOutfitPreviews_400x400.

User files

Images and other media files not intended for use in Unturned Wiki articles, but instead on user pages, are known as "user files". When uploading user files, be mindful that the content is marked with the proper license. Note that any user files you upload could eventually be used in an article (in other words, they could stop being a user file).

User files may be deleted at any time. This is especially true if they are not properly licensed, are not being used on any wiki articles and are unlikely to be used in the future, or are unused entirely. The Unturned Wiki is not an image repository, nor an advertising space. Uploaders should avoid using the wiki to store a bunch of user files.

If you have uploaded a user file, please categorize it under Category:User files.

See also