December 16, 2022 patch

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Unturned patches ← December 9, 2022 patch December 16, 2022 patch January 27, 2023 patch →

Patch notes

Patch #1:

  • Kill counters and ragdoll effects on detonator skin.

Patch #2:

  • Minor engine patch from 2020.3.38f1 to 2020.3.43f1. Edit: rolled back with patch #3 because of some new crashes. This was the only change in the .3 patch.
  • Adjust sorting and red warning on server list for listings with large ping discrepancy.
  • Water volume sea level checkbox using wrong value.
  • Server log entry about LOD Group additional data.
  • Potential cause of rubble error while loading server.
  • Loading screen stuck if loading asset bundles async and sync at the same time.