November 12, 2020 patch

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Unturned II patches August 28, 2020 patch November 12, 2020 patch December 4, 2020 patch

Patch notes

Game version is now,630.


  • Civilian tactical laser item.
  • Two-handing of one-handed weapons when equipped in the dominant hand.
  • Time dilation / slomo command. (/slomo #)
  • Infinite ammo command. (/infinite_ammo)
  • Windows shortcut to the AppData folder.
  • Horde wave (/horde_wave) and money (/horde_money) commands.
  • u4.unlock permission which allows lock/unlock admin interaction.


  • First-person melee animation blends toward third-person animation during swing.
  • Left-handed mirroring is done in the animation graph rather than the mesh.
  • Equip in dominant hand interaction takes priority.
  • Raised minimum framerate limit to 15 from 1.
  • Brake slightly while vehicle is empty.


  • Per-weapon input bindings are reset after dequip rather than before equip.
  • Drone loses track of target when too far out of range.
  • Third-person interactor tick order.
  • Using vehicle ignition while exiting driver seat.

Undocumented changes

  • References to "Right Hand" and "Left Hand" were replaced with the terms "Dominant Hand" and "Subordinate Hand", which correspond to the player's handedness setting.
  • The "Right Rail" and "Left Rail" attachment hooks on the Quadrail were renamed to "Outer Rail" and "Inner Rail", which are relative rail's position towards the player's center.