January 31, 2015 patch

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Unturned patches December 31, 2014 patch January 31, 2015 patch February 4, 2015 patch

Patch notes

Game version is now


  • Added ability to use backspace instead of delete.
  • Added ability to ctrl-delete to remove an entire road.


  • Gold member clothing no longer provides any warmth.
  • Hunger is food, thirst is water and sickness is immunity to be more understandable.


  • Swapped ghillie hood to hat slot so it provides heat.
  • Reduced delay between zombie inside range and attack.
  • Decreased sample counts of postprocessing. (ambient occlusion, light shafts, etc)
  • Disabled specular shaders, so let me know if you find any besides on the ice.
  • Black and white heightmaps are no longer halved since the vast majority of people have updated.
  • Visions have a 12.5% chance of altering each color channel at the same time.


  • Fixed pants being uncraftable.
  • Fixed node and path tools selecting the opposite and crashing.
  • Fixed pebble texture bleeding.
  • Fixed a few cases of objects misconfigured.
  • Fixed creating levels with the same name.
  • Fixed duplicating items when holding it and taking the container off.
  • Fixed navigation near water.
  • Fixed visually small objects not showing up on map.
  • Fixed water refraction/reflection draw layer distance.
  • Fixed resources generating near edge of material.
  • Fixed zombies cancelling searching when hit repeatedly quickly.
  • Fixed ragdolls to be disabled with physics disabled.
  • Fixed a crash when smoothing terrain.
  • Fixed equipment input missing a patch applied months ago.
  • Fixed map image resolution.
  • Fixed a dumb performance bug with lots of objects. (although obviously large numbers of objects still drain performance)