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版本 發布日期 新內容與更改
2.2.4 2014年8月8日
  • 修復許多反作弊系統問題
2.2.3 2014年8月3日
  • 地圖中有了更加多的石頭
  • 新特性:在玩家列表內,通過點擊玩家名字再選擇禁言(Mute)可以禁言某個玩家。
  • 修復許多漏洞


版本 發布日期 新內容與更改
2.2.2 2014年7月31日
  • 增加一些額外的安全機制,可能會修復大型伺服器中的傷害漏洞。
  • 刪去了電柵欄模型上的尖刺,這樣似乎就能解釋為什麼需要電源才能使其生效了。
  • 修復許多漏洞
  • 修復不能在伺服器里拾取資源的漏洞。
  • 修復總是提示遊戲有更新的窗口。
2.2.1 2014年7月29號


  • 改進了載具的油量系統,剛生成的汽車裡面至少有一罐油的油量。
  • 地圖中有了更加多的石頭
  • 修復了太陽從西升起的漏洞。
  • Fixed some potential exploits.
2.2.0 2014年7月26號
  • 其他特性:
    • 支援Mac系統
    • 當瞄準已放置平台的邊緣時,你可以旋轉將要放置的斜坡了。

  • Steam Networking: (not in the public branch)
    • The Steamworks multiplayer is now close to being 1:1 with the Unity networking, but I'll still have to do a bit more work today/tomorrow to create systems for owning objects like the player
2.1.9 2014年7月25號
  • 修復了多人遊戲下的護甲漏洞。
  • 修復了用作弊升級的技能會同步到伺服器的漏洞。
2.1.8 2014年7月24號 


  • 新的合成公式:
  • 其他特性:
    • 允許在離線模式運行遊戲。
    • 在標題畫面的說明里增加了連結。
  • 加快了APC的速度。
  • 增大了Lapua曳光彈匣的刷新率。
  • 減少了Longbow的傷害。
  • 修復了用Backpacks替換已裝備物品的漏洞。
  • 修復了近戰的傷害。
  • Steam Networking: (not in the public branch)
    • "For those who don't know, right now my top priority is reworking the networking to use Steam game servers. This means replacing all of the existing network code with a completely different way of doing things that will allow dedicated servers, use of the server list and other neat features.
    • At this point I have mostly wrapped the Steamworks networking in a way that can make use of the existing remote procedure call system, but it could still use some polishing over the next couple days. This is a big step because it will be the component that all of the existing networking will communicate with.
    • The next step, after optimizing and improving this system, is to work on getting Unturned Steam servers onto a testing branch for you guys!" - Nelson Sexton
2.1.7 2014年7月22號
  • 新的物品:
  • 其他特性:
    • Added replacement face for the question mark
  • 新的合成公式:
  • 修復了警棍能夠打破岩石的漏洞。
  • 修復了左手持物的動畫。
2.1.6 2014年7月20號
  • 修復了玩家的渲染距離。
  • 在某些人提示按鍵設置可能會混淆後,重新命名了某些按鍵。
  • 修復了載入背包的錯誤 (感謝Dakotaz提供數據)
  • 修復了公園處柵欄的錯誤。
  • Steam Networking: (not in the public branch)
    • "The server console features an easily expandable command system, and all the commands can be executed through run-time arguments for use on a server box! Right now I can't easily work on the low level networking due to a bug in Steamworks.NET, but rlabrecque is looking into that. In the mean time I'll be working on the higher level things that will make it adaptable to the existing Unity networking." - Nelson Sexton
2.1.5 July 19, 2014
  • Other Additions:
    • Updated to the newest version of Unity which should hopefully fix audio issues with chainsaws, etc that some people are reporting.
  • Increased Electric Trap health significantly
  • Increased network sendrate
  • Decreased sensitivity of antispeed a tiny bit more
  • Fixed easy sync servers screwing up savedata occasionally
  • Fixed some buggy areas on the map and an exploit with the bridge
  • Fixed gunshot audio range
Additional Information
  • Steam Networking: (not in the public branch)
    • "The dedicated server can now be run on computers without Steam installed and is properly VAC secure. Unfortunately I've run into a crash with Steamworks.NET which is being looked into, but in the mean time I'll work on Steam butt (which will bring with it multiple character save slots) and other such things." - Nelson Sexton
2.1.4 July 17, 2014
  • New Locations:
    • Added a new town Burywood
  • Skills get reset to half the level on death
  • Increased the number of cars on PEI
  • Fixed antispeed being a bit too sensitive
2.1.3 July 16, 2014
  • Improved anticheat versus speedhacks
  • Improved anticheat versus fake cars to prevent lag
  • Improved the long hair style to be more lopsided
  • Increased home respawn timer to 20 seconds
  • Fixed zombies to not attack two things at once
Additional Information
  • "Today I got a ton of progress done on the Steam server integration and learned a lot about how they work which will be really helpful. I even got the chance to talk to rlabrecque some more and he's doing some fantastic work improving the C++ to C# workflow, so thanks to him Steam servers will be coming sooner than originally expected! Note: Steam servers are not in the public branch as of yet." - Nelson Sexton July 15, 2014
  • Other Additions:
    • Added very tight anti-speedhack kicks
    • Added security against hackers spawning in vehicles and zombies
    • Added a new collision mesh for Garage Port and Garage Door to make them easier to park in
  • Increased the brightness of Civilian Night Vision during the day
  • Fixed suppresor to Suppressor
  • Fixed to steep to too steep in Foundations
  • Fixed a bug with falling into the water
Additional Information
  • Steam server progress: (Not in the public branch.):
    • "Most of today's work went into the Steam servers, which are coming along slowly and surely. At least it shows up on the LAN list now! I've noticed a TON of people playing on massive 50 player servers which is great, but the game isn't optimized for that yet so there's a lot of de-synchronization. I'll be doing my best to significantly improve this with the Steam networking, however!" - Nelson Sexton
2.1.1 July 14, 2014
  • New Objects/Items:
    • Miner Helmet
  • New Recipes:
    • 1 Construction Helmet + 1 Torch = 1 Miner Helmet
    • 2 Rag = 1 Bandage
    • 2 Bandage = 1 Dressings
  • Other Additions:
    • Added the option to respawn at your bed
    • Added a 10 second cooldown on PvP for bed respawns
    • Added message for version mismatch
    • Added the ability to put shutters on walls to protect ladders
    • Added keybinds for turning nvgs on/off, dropping items and dequiping items
  • Increased all XP drops
  • Increased Metal Shield health
  • Increased (slightly) crop growth time
  • Renamed reset to suicide
  • Fixed savedata resets when playing tutorial
  • Fixed a saving bug when destroying the only barricade in a zone
  • Fixed robery to robbery
2.1.0 July 14, 2014
  • Other Additions:
    • Added player statistics to the main menu
    • Added a scrollbar to the player list
    • Added kicks for teleporting on servers
    • Added security against hacked backpack sizes/weights
  • Dedicated clients resize to 800x600
  • Fixed pulling people out of the water/ground on synced servers
  • Fixed the spelling of permanent
Additional Notes
  • "Unfortunately Mac support is still proving to be a complete pain to get working with the Steam stuff, but hopefully that can be worked out soon" -Nelson Sexton
  • "From now on weekends will be my days off though. ; ) " - Nelson Sexton July 12, 2014
  • New Objects/Items:
    • Garage Port
    • Garage Door
  • New Recipes:
    • 1 Wooden Window + 1 Wooden Support = 1 Garage Port
    • 2 Shutters + 2 Bolts = Garage Door
    • 1 Pelt + 1 can = 2 Ducttape
  • Other Additions:
    • Added Claiming a bed unclaims any other beds you claimed
    • Added "Server full" message when joining a full server
  • Increased the amount of Barbed Wire to make Fences
  • Reduced the amount of Cloth and Barbed Wire from decomposition
  • Fixed the bars and underside of Wooden Ramp
  • Fixed a water rendering glitch. "By the way the reason proud water lags you is because it has to render the scene extra times for the reflections."
Networking progress
  • "Tomorrow I'm going to put the new Steamworks wrapper into Unturned which will hopefully mean Mac support on Monday and the foundation to implement Valve networking" -Nelson Sexton
2.0.8 July 12, 2014

  • New Objects/Items:
    • Braziers
    • Chests
  • New Recipes:
    • 1 Crate + 3 Wooden Cross = 1 Chest
    • 2 Sticks + 2 Scrap Metal = 1 Brazier
    • 1 Scrap Metal using Handsaw = 3 Wire
  • Other Additions:
    • Added collateral explosions to Explosives (shooting a landmine sets it off and will blow up any nearby explosive devices)
  • Moved sirens position to be more nicely lit and are synced with audio
  • Reduced the number of supplies required to make structures
  • Fixed culling distances breaking on dual render scopes when changed in-game
Networking progress
  • As a temporary fix you can now host barebones dedicated servers with the following command line arguments on the game executable:
    • -arena -pei -normal -bambi -hardcore -gold -sync -nosync -pvp -pve -pass:PASSWORD -port:PORTNUMBER
  • After those configuration arguments you can add -sv to actually launch the server
2.0.7 July 11, 2014

  • Other Additions:
    • Added weighting to the day/night cycle so that daytime is 60% and nighttime is 40%. Previously it was 50% - 50%
    • Added saving to Bambi mode, as people found it confusing because my original intention was to create a mode where you can start from scratch each time
  • Arrows, Buckshot and Slugs spawn in piles of 3 to 5
  • Singleplayer is PvP mode so you can destroy Barricades
  • Zombie aggravation range is a bit lower to make sneaking easier
  • Plants can be placed in wheat and potato fields
2.0.6 July 10, 2014
  • New Objects/Items:
    • Metal Door
    • Metal Shutter
    • Metal Locker
  • New Recipes:
    • 1 Wooden Door + 3 Scrap Metal = 1 Metal Door
    • 1 Wooden Shutter + 3 Scrap Metal = 1 Metal Shutter
    • 1 Crate + 3 Scrap Metal = 1 Metal Locker
  • Wooden doors, shutters and crates are openable by anyone
  • Previously existing wooden doors and shutters were converted into metal ones. Using the existing recipe creates the wooden variant, and adding scrap metal creates the metal version
  • All melees, including fists, have increased range
  • Removed the police and ambulance at the car crash and replaced them with car spawners
  • The PDW Magazine can be refilled properly.
2.0.5 July 9, 2014
  • New Objects/Items:
    • Barbed Wire
    • Wire Fence
    • Electric Fence
    • Dock Foundation
    • Vaccines to remove disease
  • New Recipes:
    • 2 Wooden Support + 2 Barbed Wire = 1 Wire Fence
    • 1 Wire Fence + 4 Scrap Metal = 1 Electric Fence
    • 1 Foundation + 2 Ladders = 1 Dock Foundation
  • Bambi mode starts you off with some supplies
  • Various bug fixes
2.0.4 July 8, 2014
2.0.3 July 1, 2014
  • New Locations:
    • S.S. Haven, a fortified cargo ship
  • New Objects/Items:
    • Purification Tablets
  • New Recipes:
    • 1 Purification Tablets + 1 Moldy Bottled Water/Moldy Milk/Moldy Orange Juice = Bottled Water/Milk/Orange Juice
  • Other Additions:
    • Added explosive force to exploding cars
    • Added tooltip error when using Gold features without Gold
  • Improved car color system to preserve details
  • Reduced Buckshot rarity
  • Fixed floating item spawns on the bridge
  • Fixed server filters not working
  • Fixed a bottleneck in the networking
  • Fixed flickering on blood splatters
  • Fixed burned car coloring
  • Fixed zoom on novuh iron sights
  • Fixed harvestable plants not using Steam time
  • Fixed looking away from fertilized plants resetting their state


Version Publish Date Additions and Changes
2.0.2 June 30, 2014
  • New Objects/Items:
  • Tweaked civilian grade nightvision to see twice as far
  • Tweaked damage and range of a few weapons
  • Fixed a crash related to navigation data
  • Fixed some areas where navigation data was incorrectly placed
  • Fixed some notifications when an action could not be completed